Tag: Fun

OMG I Helped Make a Game!

If you’ve been wondering where I’ve been the past little while and why there hasn’t been much mention of the second book for Demigoddess 101 (which I’m still working on, I swear) the subject line explains what I’ve been doing. For the past six months 

A Little Bit About Demigoddess 101

A little help for those of you here from YA Insider 🙂    

A Chance to Win Demigoddess 101

YAInsider Grand Opening PartyI’m going to be a part of the grand opening party for YA Insider, a review site for lovers of YA fiction.

Definitely go and check out the site if you’re interested in learning more about new releases!

The party will include a number of up and coming YA authors, hundreds of giveaways and a $100 grand prize gift card! My contribution will be an ebook of Demigoddess 101. For a chance to win all you have to do is head on over during the party and answer a multiple choice question.

Hope you decide to check it out!