Just Checking In!

Just Checking In!

Seems to be something I’m saying a lot lately! I hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and healthy! Wow! It’s been a while! All I can say is with the virus going around and quarantine…time has become something of an abstract 

Kissed Available for Preorder!

Kissed Available for Preorder!

Kissed is now available at a special preorder price of $2.99! Hurry over to these sites if you don’t want to miss out! Amazon | Evernight Teen | iBooks | Also head over to YA Books Central for a chance to win a $20 Evernight Teen 

Meet the Authors of Kissed!

Meet the Authors of Kissed!

We’re over at The Howling Turtle to talk about writing romance, anthologies and what we’re reading! Come join us!