A Q&A With Niki Cluff author of Breed

A Q&A With Niki Cluff author of Breed

A big welcome to fellow Sailor Moon lover, Niki Cluff! Let’s get straight to it! Q&A Q: If you could swap places with one of your fictional characters for 24 hours, who would you choose to be? A: I’d probably switch with Kyle, the main 

Meet the Authors of Kissed!

Meet the Authors of Kissed!

We’re over at The Howling Turtle to talk about writing romance, anthologies and what we’re reading! Come join us!

Interview With Alisha Sevigny

Interview With Alisha Sevigny

Welcome to the site Alisha! Most of you probably don’t know this, but Alisha and I actually go way back but I had no idea she was a writer too until recently. How crazy is that? Her latest book SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS comes out in the